APRIL 16−17. TASHKENT-2025

2 nd-International Scientific Conference

Green taxonomy for sustainable development:

From Green Technologies to Green Economy

Key speaker
  • Botir Khaitov
    United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in Uzbekistan
    UN Food and agriculture (FAO) practical activities in Uzbekistan

About the conference

The 2 nd International Scientific Conference "Green Taxonomy for Sustainable Development: from green technologies to a green economy" will be held in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. For the first time, this conference was held in 2024 and the organizers decided to extend the conference theme in 2025. The conference unites technical and economic sciences into a single whole in order to find theoretical and practical solutions for sustainable development. The event was organized by the National Research University "Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers". One of the goals of the conference is to evaluate possible approaches to the model taxonomy of "green" projects as a financial instrument aimed at systemic restructuring of the economy and reducing its carbon intensity in the world.
In the modern world, there is a revision of a number of industries and technologies that can be classified as "green" or adaptive. The industrial Revolution, environmental crises and socio-economic challenges underline the need for sustainable growth. Financial mechanisms used for systemic restructuring of the economy and reducing its carbon intensity are an effective and at the same time necessary tool for large-scale transformations. The taxonomy of "green" projects is a system of classification of economic activities, categories of projects and assets that contribute to sustainable development and are aimed at improving the efficiency of using existing natural resources, reducing negative environmental impacts, improving energy efficiency, energy conservation, mitigation of climate change and adaptation to climate change. National taxonomies largely reflect the characteristics of the economies of countries and the chosen trajectories of low-carbon development.
The goal of Green taxonomy for sustainable development: From Green Technologies to Green Economy is to demonstrate modern achievements with a special focus on scientific developments for real-world applications. This conference is for academics, scientists, researchers, engineers, power engineers, economists, financiers, environmentalists, builders, farmers, meteorologists, biologists and industrialists from all over the world, where they discuss the most pressing issues in the field of green taxonomy and sustainable development. Emphasizing the importance of a "green" taxonomy for achieving sustainable development goals, the conference participants will consider both fundamental methods and practical aspects of sustainable development-oriented processes.
This international conference will feature renowned speakers, oral presentations, poster presentations and technical discussions, contributing to the creation of a dynamic environment for knowledge exchange. The conference, which includes more than forty scientific sessions devoted to the breadth and depth of the "green" taxonomy, renewable energy sources and sustainable development, promises a wealth of experience and meaningful discussions. Internationally renowned experts will share their latest discoveries, allowing plenty of time for interaction and discussion both during and between sessions. Poster sessions will be important for exchanging ideas, demonstrating current projects and new concepts.

Conference venue

39, Kori Niyazov st., Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

Email: Greentaxonomiya@yandex.ru


Languages of the conference: English.

Participation format: face-to-face/online/video presentation

Guidelines for Authors
Please read the article formatting guidelines.
Click on the download button.
Scientific scope of the conference
    • Green technologies and innovations for sustainable development

    • Green financing, economic analysis, and greenlaw

    • Green energy - renewable energy sources and energy efficiency

    • Ecology and environmental protection for sustainable development

    • Green construction and buildings

    • Green science (multidisciplinary)

    • Sustainable development of agricultural and forest areas, ecotourism

    • Green industry, resource and waste management

    • Green transport

    • ESG (environmental, social, governance)

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    Origin, motivation and contribution

    Papers which are prepared for publishing should be original research manuscripts, never published before and not under consideration for publication in any other conference proceeding (journal etc.). All papers are supposed to present novel research results of international interest. Papers need to be related to the main topic of the conference and conference topic fields. We publish papers written in good English only. All papers are reviewed by a native speaker. All papers are thoroughly checked for plagiarism. Acceptable minimum of originality is 90%. All papers should be not less than 6 pages
  • -2-

    Authors of reports of original research should present an accurate account of the work performed as well as an objective discussion of its significance. Underlying data should be represented accurately in the paper. A paper should contain sufficient detail and references to permit others to replicate the work. Fraudulent or knowingly inaccurate statements constitute unethical behaviour and are unacceptable.

    Review and professional publication articles should also be accurate and objective, and editorial ‘opinion’ works should be clearly identified as such.

  • -3-
    Number of authors in a single paper is 3 person maximum. One person can be the author of not more than 2 articles. The corresponding author is the person chosen within the group to be responsible for all contact and correspondence with the periodical. The corresponding author should ensure that all appropriate co-authors (and no inappropriate co-authors) are included in the paper, and that all co-authors have seen and approved the final version of the paper and agree on its submission for publication.
Publication And Indexing

Articles are planned for publication in Conference proceedings with publication in the journal (indexing in Scopus is planned) - in English.

The proceedings will be distributed to the conference participants after the conference or on the date of the conference (if possible).


Pre-registration: April 16, 2025 (DEADLINE) UPD
Submission of the manuscript: April 16, 2025 (DEADLINE) UPD
Notification of the inclusion of a speech on the conference agenda: April 16, 2025
Confirmation of participation with a speech (from the authors): April 16, 2025
Conference day: April 16-17, 2025
Expert assessment: April 16, 2025
Revision of the manuscript (if necessary): April 16, 2025
Acceptance Notice (for manuscripts): April 16, 2025
Publication: expected in 2026/2026 (approximately 4-9 months after the date of the event)


The manuscript (full version of the article) with publication in the journal-up to 230€/manuscript.

The standard fee can be changed. Payment is made after double review and approval by the editors.

Electronic certificate of participation = Free of charge

Conference programme
April, 16 - 17
Thuesday, April 15
Arrival in Tashkent meeting and accommodation of guests.
Friday, April 16
08:00 Opening Ceremony and Plenary Session (invited speakers)

April 16, 2025 (Friday,), morning: Plenary session

April 16, 2025 (Friday), afternoon: Sessions

April 16, 2025 (Friday), evening: Conference dinner
Friday, April 17
Opening Ceremony and Plenary Session (invited speakers)

April 17, 2025 (Friday), morning: Plenary session

April 17, 2025 (Friday), afternoon: Sessions

April 17, 2025 (Friday), evening: Conference dinner
Saturday, April 18
Plenary Session (invited speakers); Flash Presentation; Awards; Closing Ceremony

Conference Chair

Khudayarov Bakhtiyar Alimovich
Vice-Rector of TIIAME National Research University, Uzbekistan
Guest-Editors (Conference proceedings)
The smartest people work every day to provide the best service and make our clients happy
    Researcher (Academic), Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
    Dr. Prof.,Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
    Dr.Sci. (Economics), Assoc. Prof., University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy
Scientific Advisory Committe
  • Dmitry Yu. Murzin
    Abo Akademi University, Finland
  • Changseok Han
    Dr., Department of Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering, Republic of Korea
  • Vikas Kumar
    PhD, Prof., Birmingham City University, UK
  • Dr. Mohamed Elhoseny
    Associate Professor at the University of Sharjah. UAE
  • Vincenzo Franzitta
    Prof., PhD. Vincenzo Franzitta, University of Palermo, Italy
  • Andrea Appolloni
    Dr.Sci. (Economics), Assoc. Prof., University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy
  • Daniel Balsalobre
    PhD, Prof. University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
  • Prof., Paul C. Sutton
    Prof., Department of Geography and the Environment, University of Denver, USA
  • Marco Modica
    Assoc. Prof., Gran Sasso Science Institute, Italy
  • Bernardo Nicoletti
    Temple Univesity · Rome, Italy
  • Dr.Grigorios Kyriakopoulos
    PhD, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
  • Imran Naseem
    Assist. Prof., Abbottabad University of Science and Technology, Pakistan
  • Kevin Cianfaglione
    PhD, Assoc. Prof., Université Catholique de Lille, France
  • Muhammad Farhan Bashir
    PhD, Assist. Prof., Business School, Chengdu University of Technology, China
  • Dr.Alfrendo Satyanaga
  • Laura Bravi
    PhD., Researcher, DBA,
    Researcher, DBA, Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo, Italy
  • Dr.Remus Creţan
    PhD Prof., West University of Timisoara, Romania
  • Astrida Miceikiene
    Prof. Dr. Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania
  • Dr. prof., Yanfang Sang
    Dr. Prof.,Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
  • Dr. prof. Kristina Toderich
    International Platform for Dryland Research and Education, Tottori University, Japan
  • Alessandro Cannavale
    Assis. Prof. Polytechnic University of Bari, Italy

  • Muhammad Ishaq Bhatti
    Prof., Department of Economics, Finance & Marketing in the School of Business, La Trobe University (LTU), Australia
  • Dr.Ying Long
    School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, China
  • Mohd Azmuddin Abdullah
    Dr.Director, Technology, Research and Development
    SIBCo Medical and Pharmaceuticals Sdn. Bhd.,
  • Dr. Khairul Anuar Kamarudin
    As.Prof., University of Wollongong in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
  • Md Shabbir Alam
    Dr., PhD, Department of Economics and Finance, College of Business Administration, University of Bahrain, Bahrain
  • DSc., prof. Mansur P, Eshov
    Head of the Department of Management and marketing at Alfraganus university,Tashkent, Uzbekistan
  • Prof. Ahmed Mohamed Aziz Ismail
    Benha University, Benha, Egypt
  • Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Habib
    Senior Researcher, Accounting and Finance, Independent Research, Zagazig, Egypt.
  • Dr. prof., Rafis
    Fanisovich Abazov
    As. Prof. at Columbia University, Visiting Professor at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan
  • Dr.Akmalia M. Ariff
    University of Malaysia Terengganu, Malaysia
  • Anna Valeryevna Lyzhova
    PhD. As. Prof. Kazan Federal University, Russian
  • Dr.Muhammad Eid Balbaa
    Tashkent State University of Economics,
  • Mevlüt Gül
    PhD, Prof.,Isparta University of Applied Science., Turkey
  • Dr.Muhammad Waris Ali Khan
    Dr., As. Prof.,British University in Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
  • Dr. prof. El-Sayed Negim
    Kazakh-British Technical University (KBTU).
    School of Materials Science and Green Technologies , Kazakhstan
  • Dr. prof., Ainura Kocherbaeva
    Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University, Kyrgyzstan

  • Dr. prof. Hanan Shehata Amin Mohamed
  • Dr.Norita Mohd Nasir
    Universiti Malaysia Sarawak Jln Ensura, Sarawak, Malaysia

  • Dr. Lifeng Chen

    School of Public Affairs, Zhejiang University; School of Business, Hangzhou City University, Zhejiang, China

  • Dr. prof. Sukhrob Umarov
    DSc, prof. TIIAME National Research University, Uzbekistan
  • Dr. prof. Irina Turgel
    Ural Federal University, Russian
  • Nazimgul Berdimurat
    PhD. As. Prof. Kazakh National Agrarian Research University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • Dr. Hashim Ali
    As.Prof. Abdul Wali Khan University, Mardan,
    Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.
  • Dr. Armigon Ravshanovich Akhmedov
    Dr., Visiting Professor, School of Global Studies, Kyungsung University, Republic of South Korea
  • Ridwan Lanre Ibrahim
    PhD, Department of Economics - Social Sciences, University of Lagos, Nigeria
  • Elyor A. Makhmudov
    As. Prof. Dr. Diplomat University in Tashkent, Uzbekistan
  • Ruhangiz Mammadova
    PhD. As. Prof.Azerbaijan Institute of Genetic Resources, Baku, Azerbaijan
  • Dr. prof. Hermann Sterzinger
    Technical University of Munich, Germany
  • Oksana V. Polyakova
    PhD, Deputy Director for International Affairs, Head of the Department, Kazan Federal University, Institute of Management, Economics and Finance
  • Muzaffar Mirzayev
    PhD. Nagoya University, Japan,
    Diplomat University , Uzbekistan
  • Dr. Abdullahi Yusuf
    PhD. Educational Technology, Sokoto State University, Nigeria
  • Muyassarzoda Fayziyeva
    Alfraganus universitety, Tashkent,Uzbekistan
  • Dr.Ali Kahramanoğlu
    Dr., Assoc. Prof., Ondokuz Mayis University, Turkey
  • Haneen Allataifeh
    PhD. As. Prof. Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • Dr. Klara Shakirova
    Dr., PhD.Kyrgyz national university named after Jusup Balasagyn Kyrgyzstan
  • Moursy Ali
    Associate professor, Division of Agricultural Physics, IARI, New Delhi, India.
  • Alina Steblyanskya
    PhD, Associate professor, School of Economics and Management, Harbin Engineering University, China
  • Palanisamy Manigandan
    Dr., Department of Statistics, Periyar University, India
  • Guzalbegim Murodovna Rakhimova
    As.prof., DSc , Diplomat University in Tashkent, Uzbekistan
  • Alimov Uchkun Zoirovich
    Conference Manager
    Associate Professor, PhD
  • Dr. Muhammadismoi Maxmudov
    Rector of Alfraganus University
  • DSc, prof. Alisher To'ychiyev
    Alfraganus universitety, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
  • Ergash Ibadullaev
    Associate professor, PhD
    Dean of Economics Faculty, Mamun university
  • Rakhmonov Sherzod
    Head of international cooperation department
  • Hatidje Kamoljonovna Nasirova
    PhD student of "Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers"National Research University
  • Rakhimova Guzalbegim Murodovna
    Publication Manager
    Associate Professor, DSc
  • Nosurullaev Kodir Abdisharib ogli
    Editor, PhD of "Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers"National Research University
  • Temirkhanova Mu'tabar Jurayevna
    Professor, DSc
  • Axmedov Azamat Kamilovich
    Associate Professor, PhD
  • Dr. Sherzodbek Murodov Murod ogli
  • Bahrom X. Shafkarov
    Associate Professor, PhD
  • Ra'no Tashbaeva
    Associate Professor, PhD
  • Tabayev Azamat Zaripbayevich
    Associate Professor, PhD
  • Shodiyev Akbar Ashurovich
    PhD, As.Prof. Termez University of Economics and service, Uzbekistan
  • Sherzod Jurayev
    PhD, As.Prof.
Conference Partners
If you are interested in partnering or sponsoring our organization, we would welcome the opportunity to discuss further.
Conference venue
Tashkent, Uzbekistan

39, Kori Niyazov st., Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Email: congreentax@tiiame.uz

2 nd-International Scientific conference Green taxonomy for sustainable development: From Green Technologies to Green Economy 2025
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